Fire recruitment efforts ‘fantastic’: chief

MAPLETON – The Mapleton fire department has been conducting interviews to hire new firefighters in Drayton and Moorefield. 

“For Drayton’s station, we received over 30 applicants and for the Moorefield station we received 15 applicants, so fantastic recruitment,” Fire Chief Chris Harrow said during a regular meeting of council on Oct. 22. 

“Just the fact that we have so many people that want to be on the fire department, that is amazing,” said Mayor Gregg Davidson. 

“We’re really, really happy with our community members that have stepped up,” Davidson added.  

“Whether they make it or not, I just want to say thank you on behalf of council  … for volunteering.” 

During the meeting, Harrow said fire officials were “still trying to ascertain” how many people they will hire, as it depends on current firefighters’ retirements.

Unless the new recruits come fully qualified, it will take from six to eight months to get everybody certified, Harrow noted.

There will be recruitment training for new firefighters in January and July. 

Some of the applicants are people who have worked for or applied to the department before, and some are new applicants, Harrow added. 

“It was excellent the way the community responded … that worked out extremely well,” he said.
