Fire brigade clash raises cash for Camp Bucko, local sledge hockey

A sledge hockey battle for the ages went down at the PMD arena on Feb. 27.

Backed by shutout goaltending, a squad of Minto firefighters downed Mapleton’s hose brigade by a score of 4-0 in a game to benefit young burn victims and area sledge hockey initiatives.

The game was the first try at sledge hockey for most of the Mapleton Fire Rescue and Minto Fire players, whose comments about “sore backs” and how “the game was harder than you think” were heard around the rink.

Numerous players had to call for assistance to get upright after tipping their sleds during the contest.

Mapleton Fire Chief Rick Richardson said, “The Mapleton team’s strength did not surface until the third period.” Coincidentally, that’s when Richardson joined the team on the ice.

A good crowd was on hand for the game, and $1,900 was raised for Camp Bucko and sledge hockey programs in Wellington County, aided by an anonymous donation to cover ice time.

Mayor Neil Driscoll said, “We will be protesting the game because the Minto goalie was wearing illegal equipment and (Minto) Mayor George Bridge faked the flu and did not attend the game. There will be a rematch.”

The result means Driscoll lost a bet with Bridge and will wear a Town of Minto hat at the next Mapleton Township council meeting.

“No matter what I have to wear, I always look better than the Minto mayor,” Driscoll insisted.

