Few questions regarding revised building fees

On April 18, Puslinch councillors held a public meeting regarding the township’s move to adjust the fee schedule of its building bylaw.

Mayor Dennis Lever explained, “This public meeting is the result of some regulations regarding the changing of fees within the 2006 building code.”

He said the newer regulations state that before any change of fees, the township must hold at least one public meeting with at least 21 days notice.

In addition, the following information is to be made available to the public, including: the cost to administer and enforce the act, the amount of the fee or the change of the fee along with the rationale for imposing the change.

Lever said additional lines were added to make it easier for someone applying for a building permit to understand exactly what the associated fees are.

Permit fees have also switched from a minimum of $50 to $100 – although Lever was uncertain how many permits that move would actually affect.

“I suspect most permits are considerably higher,” he said.

Progressive permits have also been added to the fee schedule. Lever noted the top-end fee schedule for very large  buildings was not considered as competitive with surrounding municipalities.

“So now, up to $3 millioin it is the same rate, but above that is a reduced rate, which brings us more into line with surrounding municipalities.”

That change was made to work with the offiicals of Maple Leaf Foods to ensure its building permit fees are competitive with other municipalities, Lever said. The changes were approved later that night.
