Few comments, questions when council held zoning meeting

As public meetings go, the one held here on Jan. 24 was quiet and quick.

Charlie and Lorrie Spaling were applying for a zone change for part of Lots 18 and 19, Concession 9 at 7118 County Road 11.

A zone change completes a severance application approved recently by the county. That zone change was a condition of approval. The goal was to rezone the subject lands to restrict any future residential development on the agricultural portion of the property that is sold.

The Spalings are severing lands with their existing dwelling and 9.3 acres from the remainder of their holdings, an agricultural parcel of 51.6 acres. That property had once contained a dog kennel.

County planner Linda Redmond explained the Spalings have now removed a kennel operation which had  site specific zoning.

“The operation is completely closed down,” Redmond said.

When Mayor Bruce Whale asked if anyone wanted to speak for or against the proposal, there was no response from the gallery.

Councillor Jim Curry wondered if all the lands surrounding the property are owned by the Grand River Conservation Authority, and Lorrie Spaling said they are.

Whale said there had been some concerns at one point about a well.

Spaling said that issue has been taken care of.

Councillor Andy Knetsch wondered about regulating livestock in the existing accessory structures on what is now going to be a farming operation.

Redmond said it would depend on the size and type of livestock as to how much the farm owner could place in those buildings. She explained the minimum distance separation formula would form an arc around those buildings, and its distance from the buildings would be determined by the number and size of animals housed there.

With no further questions, council adjourned the public meeting.

Council later unanimously passed a bylaw granting the zone change.
