Festival holds annual fundraiser March 30

Anyone who has en­joyed a concert at the Gambrel Barn knows that the seating is a little uncom­fortable.
Now people have the op­por­tunity to change that. The Elora Festival and Singers are per­forming their second annual bene­fit concert and reception, and invite everyone to “take a seat” on March 30, at 3pm at Knox Presbyterian Church in Elora.
“Last year’s benefit concert that raised money for our new ticketing system was a great success,”  said General Manager Joanne Grodzinski. “This year we would like to up the ante. New chairs in the barn have been needed for a long time. When Monarch Basic Office Supplies offered us an amazing deal on these ergo­nomically designed chairs, we knew that this was a great opportunity to finally get that done.”
Under the baton of Noel Edison, the Festival Singers will perform an assortment of music, from American Negro Spirituals to Broadway show tunes. After the concert, pat­rons are invited to a wine and hors d’oeuvres reception in the basement of the church, sponsored by C’est Bon Café of Elora.
Michael Counsell, Manager of the Centre Wellington Food Bank, knows first hand what the Elora Festival Singers are capable of doing. He attended a concert at Casino Rama last November to see Roger Hodg­son, the lead singer of Sup­ertramp. “About three songs in, he in­troduced the Elora Festival Singers. It was quite a sur­prise,” Counsell said. “I couldn’t believe that people from my community were sing­ing with such an international name.
“I was truly impressed with the Singers. They got two standing ovations singing with­out Roger. That was amazing. It says a lot about their talent. Even Hodgson was impressed.”
Counsell said he is defi­nitely going to see more Sing­ers concerts, and that everyone should see what the choir can do. When asked how he would feel about seeing the singers at a Benefit Concert to raise money for ergonomical chairs in the Barn, and get a $30 tax receipt, Counsell responded, “Where can I buy tickets?”
Tickets are $40, and include the concert, reception, and a tax receipt.
For those unable to attend the concert but would still like to “take a seat,” donations of $40 will receive a tax receipt for the full amount. Tickets are available at the festival office, at 33 Henderson Street, Elora, by phone at 519-846-0331, or toll free, 1-888-747-7550, or online at www.elora­fes­tival.com.
