Festival”™s 270 volunteers set for 2013 season

In these times of greater fiscal restraint, more than ever before organizations rely on the contributions of volunteers.  

The Elora Festival is proud of and grateful for the hard work and generous donations of time and expertise that its volunteers unfailingly provide.  

There are 270 dedicated individuals who find an array of opportunities at the festival.  

These include:

– sorting books weekly for the annual fund-raising Book Sale, May 3 to 5;

– billeting performing artists in the summer;

– working as the backbone staff at the concert venues as house managers, ushers and in the box office, shop and hospitality tents;

– serving at receptions;

– assisting staff with office duties;

– guiding the helm on the board of directors, and much, much more.  

The volunteer efforts enable artistic director Noel Edison and the management team to present four weeks of high quality, widely-varied musical entertainment in the summer season as well as in a winter series program.

During Volunteer Week, six festival volunteers will be honoured by the province at a ceremony in Kitchener for their individual dedication of between five and 30 years of consecutive service with the Elora Festival.  

“Last year our volunteers logged approximately 7,000 hours. It’s been said before but bears repeating, we couldn’t do it without them,” said Sandra Fournier-Coombe, coordinator of volunteers.

For more information on volunteer opportunities with the Elora Festival visit www.elorafestival.com.
