FERGUS SCOTTISH FESTIVAL: Small town goes for big record

The Fergus Scottish Festival and Highland Games recemt;u announced that on Aug. 9, 60 athletes will participate in an attempt to set a world record.

This potentially-historic moment is a must-see: 60 cabers will be tossed at the same time on the main field during the Tattoo in an attempt to set the Guinness World Record for most cabers tossed simultaneously.

Cabers are long wooden poles, at least 15 feet long and 55 pounds each. The tosses are judged based on accuracy rather than distance.

For this record to be set 50 of the 60 cabers tossed must be “judgeable.” A judgeable toss is when the caber flips end over end and lands with the small end away from the tosser and pointing between 9:00 and 3:00 on an imaginary clock face.

For more information about the heavy event of caber toss, or to buy tickets go the festival website at www.fergusscottishfestival.com or call 519-787-0099.

President Warren Trask of the Fergus Scottish Festival and Christoph Wand, president of the Canadian Scottish Athletic Federation, who are both longtime heavy events competitors themselves, are pleased the Scottish Festival is able to host this exciting event.

Organizers also offer y a special thank you to Rev. Dr. Kevin Fast, 17-time Guinness World Record holder, for organizing this opportunity for the Fergus Scottish Festival with Guinness World Records.

Organizers urge eveeryone to Join them and the rest of the crowd in cheering on these athletes to a record-setting victory.
