FERGUS SCOTTISH FESTIVAL: Free shuttle makes access to FSF easy

Local business sponsors and Elora Fergus Tourism are offering a free “Hop on the Bus” program for all Fergus Scottish Festival (FSF) goers on Aug. 9 and 10.

This convenient service will offer eight passenger pick-up stops operating between Elora and Fergus, delivering passengers to the Fergus Scottish Festival grounds at the Centre Wellington Community Sportsplex.

The buses will run in a continuous loop, with extra buses running during peak times.

The wait at any stop is not expected to exceed 30 minutes.

The bus schedule begins on Aug. 9, opening night of the ceremonies.

The shuttle will begin at 5pm until midnight.

On Aug. 10, the free shuttle bus runs from 9am to midnight. There will be no buses on Aug. 11, the final day of the FSF.

Bus stops are at the following locations: Grand River Raceway, Elora Legion, Bissell Park, Fergus Legion, I Love Chocolate/The Bookery, Legge Fitness, the Chamber of Commerce and the festival grounds.

Another shuttle bus will run to the Highland Pines Campground on Aug. 9 at 5:30pm and Aug. 10 from 9am to 1:45pm.

