Fergus Horticultural Society celebrated 2008

The Horti­cul­tural Society’s first meeting for 2009 recently at the Victoria Park seniors’ centre.

The accomplishments of 2008 were highlighted.

Marj Dow, a life member and a charter member of the Fer­gus Camera Club showed some of her best work.

Ted VanderVeen’s A Walk Through Wellington County highlighted various wild flow­ers that can be seen on the trails.

Ron Stevenson celebrated mem­bers’ gardens and present­ed a A Year in Review, in a power point presentation.

The society’s motto for 2009 is "Those who plant seeds plant hope."

The chairmen and commit­tees for the coming year are: Kathy Bouma, president; Helen Lacroix, vice president; Doreen Telford, secretary; Jennifer John­son, treasurer; Pat Wilcox, Doreen Telford, civic beauti­fication; Elena North, door prizes; Helen Lacroix, Cheryl Yuill, garden tour; Helen Lacroix, Julie Kron, greeters; Meg Walsh, Elena North, membership; North, Stevenson, Newsletter; Rienk Vlietstra, Telford, nomination commit­tee; Kathy Granger, Kron, plant sale; Kathy Bouma, Lacroix, programs; Stevenson, publicity and website; Liz Redshaw, Mary Reimer, Ted VanderVeen, flower shows; and Darlene Tremblay, social convenor.

The society wel­comes new members. Visit the website http://­www.garden­onta­rio.org/site.php/fergushs.

