Mayor Joanne Ross-Zuj said the focus of a recent Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) session is looking at the next level.
Ross-Zuj has been an FCM committee member since 2005 and on the board since 2010.
She said that with not much word on what funding is coming from the provincial level, the next matter was a look at potential federal funds.
“The focus of the national group is to get predictable and sustainable funding to municipalities.
“We’ve proven that we are complete partners as of the last round of funding.”
She pointed to the one-third split between municipalities, the province and the federal government.
“We’ve made some huge gains, even just being at the table as the new policy and infrastructure plan is developed.”
She anticipates information will be released shortly.
“We anticipate much of our presentation will be reflected in the new budget coming out.”
She added, “it will be exciting to find out how much we made gains on.”
However, Ross-Zuj added one thing municipalities can count on is the gas tax.
That funding, she said, will be both predictable and sustainable, “you can count on it.”
She added “this is a new element municipalities can work with.”
It is a key gain, Ross-Zuj said.
“Our economic development depends on a strong infrastructure – from broadband service to health care. It’s not just roads and bridges. They all have to work together to provide the quality of life we want.”
She added considerable time was spent discussing the European Trade Agreement.
While yet to really touch the municipal level, Ross-Zuj said this is the first time municipalities have had any involvement in the trade agreements.
She said there are some big industries the agreements will affect – “particularly our dairy farms.”
“… but along came President Obama, and he is now involved in an American trade agreement with the European Union.”
Ross Zuj said “we’re now kind of like a mosquito with an elephant in the room.”
She said one of the issues directly affecting Centre Wellington is the upcoming cancellation of the national housing strategy.
This is something which will have to be tied in with economic development.