Extra funds in budget can be used to boost home energy efficiency

There was good News announced in the 2010 bud­get for homeowners want­ing to invest in the energy efficiency of their homes: an additional $80-million was infused into the successful Ecoenergy Retrofit – Homes program.


This means that in addition to the 230,000 Canadians who have already taken advantage of the program, the increased funds will allow an additional 60,000 Canadian homeowners to improve their home’s energy efficiency and receive grants for doing so.

Homeowners are eligible to receive non-taxable federal and provincial combined grants of up to $10,000 to reduce the energy impact of their home on our environment. Steps such as increasing insulation and air sealing, installing a more efficient furnace and hot water system, and replacing a toilet with a low-flow option can all be eligible for grants.

Of special note is the combined grant of $8,750, available for installing an eligi­ble geothermal system.

It is crucial that home­owners act now, however; the program and associated grants are due to end on March 31, 2011. To qualify, homeowners must have an energy evaluation by a licensed service organiza­tion on their home before and after any energy upgrades are performed.

The Elora Environment Cen­tre delivers energy evalu­ations under an agreement with Green Communities Canada. Since its inception as an environmental non-profit organization in 1993, the Elora Centre has audited over 30,000 homes, translating into a re­duction of more than 10,000 tonnes of greenhouse gases each year.

During the three years of the Ecoenergy program, its clients have received over $10-million in grants to help with their home energy improve­ments.

The centre has the ad­van­tage of Certified Energy Advisors (CEAs) based all across southwestern Ontario – from the Bruce Peninsula in the north to Burlington in the south; from Windsor in the west to Caledon in the east. The centre piloted the original federal home rating program for Natural Resources Canada more than 10 years ago, and thus offers a wealth of experi­ence.

Call 1-866-865-7337 or visit www.Elora­Envi­ronmentCentre.ca.

