EWCS and VON are bringing back Meals on Wheels service on April 15

After an absence of a number of years, Meals on Wheels is being reintro­duc­ed in the Erin and Hillsburgh areas with service starting April 15.

Meals will be prepared at the East Wellington Commu­nity Services seniors’ room at Centre 2000 and delivered throughout the community by VON volunteers.

Meals will be delivered at noon on Mondays, Wednes­days, and Thursdays and can be prepared to accommodate spe­cial dietary needs such as low sodium or diabetic menus. All meals are planned and prepared to adhere to standards set by the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care. For more in­formation call Dee Dee Eurig, at VON at 519-323-2330.  Expo on March 31

Meals on Wheels will be one of many services on display at the first Seniors Well­ness Expo on March 31 from 11am to 1:30pm at the Shamrock Room, which is wheelchair accessible with an elevator available. Meet the participants including EWCS, VON; First Link Alzheimer’s Society; Seniors at Risk; Foot Care Clinic, Pauline Mikol; Hearing Care, Yasmine Yasmi­nalidina; Travelling Dental Hygienist, Kelly Kirk; Kimmel of Canada; Philips Lifeline; and more.

Lunch is provided, but res­er­vations are required by calling Sherri Plourde, man­ager of senior services at 519-833-0087.


