Ever thought about joining a 4-H Club?

Why not try it for a year and gain the experience and knowledge offered?

 The 1st Erin Beef Calf Club welcomes new, past and present members every year.

Club members must be between the ages of 9 and 21, as of Dec. 31 of the previous year, to participate. Rural and urban youth are welcome.

Monthly meetings are held on farms and other locations within the community. The first meeting will be at the Hillsburgh Fire Station on Station Street, just off Main at 7pm, on March 6. This will be a sign-up and information night for this and other clubs.

There are no geo-status requirements (area of residence), and ownership of an animal is not necessary to participate in an animal/livestock club.

Don’t hesitate to get involved with 4-H. Come and have fun and be rewarded at the end of the 4-H year.

For more information call or text 519-820-1441 or email mcl@execulink.com.
