It appears Guelph-Eramosa will once again provide two $100 scholarships to the 2013 Kiwanis Music Festival of Guelph.
Council passed a resolution on Dec. 17 supporting the two donations, which the township has provided for a number of years. The festival will celebrate its 32nd anniversary April 8 to 26, welcoming over 3,000 music students.
Triathlons approved
Although not supported financially by the township, Guelph-Eramosa council also approved a bylaw on Dec. 17 that will allow two triathlons to proceed around the Guelph Lake area this year. The bylaw approves the closure of local roads – including portions of Watson Road, the Guelph Nichol Townline, Jones Baseline and Sideroad 20 – on June 15 and 16 and on Aug. 31.