Erin officials release statement on the firing of fire chief Jim Sawkins

ERIN – Town officials have finally released a statement regarding the firing of fire chief Jim Sawkins.

Two sources told the Advertiser about Sawkins’ departure on July 22.

Despite repeated inquiries by the newspaper –  between July 26 and Aug. 2 to town officials, including the mayor, CAO and media relations staffer – no official response was received.

The Advertiser published articles regarding the lack of information (online on Aug. 2 and in the newspaper on Aug. 8). 

On Aug. 9 Erin officials released a statement on the matter.

“Effective July 22 … the Town of Erin announced the departure of Jim Sawkins,” stated the release.

JIM SAWKINS (Advertiser file photo)

It noted Sawkins’ roles during his six plus years with the town, serving as director of fire and emergency services, fire chief, interim CAO and as incident commander during the COVID-19 pandemic.

“Jim has been an integral part of our community, providing exceptional leadership and dedication during his tenure with the town,” stated the release. 

It concluded, “The town respects the privacy of its employees, and we wish Jim well in his future endeavours.”

It remains unclear why Sawkins no longer works for the town and CAO Rob Adams did not return a request for more information by press time.

The town’s website now lists Scott Bates as interim fire chief.
