ERIN – Erin council has approved a zoning bylaw amendment allowing Erin Fitness to relocate to another property in town.
The company is proposing to relocate Erin Fitness from its current location to 5399 Wellington Road 52, states a staff report from the Sept. 8 meeting. The site is currently occupied by MacIntyre Family Funeral Home Ltd.
“Erin Fitness has now purchased this site and has proposed to relocate to this property and convert the existing funeral home use into a commercial-recreational use, that being the fitness centre with a medical clinic, a chiropractic clinic, as well,” said Jack Krubnik, director of planning and development.
“There are no proposed changes to the site except for internal renovations.”
The property is currently zoned rural commercial, and the lands can be used only for a funeral home, an accessory dwelling on the second floor, and buildings, structures and uses accessory to the foregoing uses, the report to council noted.
The application proposed to rezone the lands to highway commercial, to permit a commercial recreational use and medical clinic use.
“Staff are of the opinion that the proposed rezoning is consistent with provincial policy, it confirms with the growth plan as well as the County of Wellington Official Plan and the Town of Erin Official Plan,” Krubnik concluded.
Council approved the site-specific zoning bylaw amendment application as presented.