Erin employees to be recognized in new programs

Town council has approved two employee incentive programs to recognize exceptional behavior and to encourage identification of cost-saving measures.

Both programs, a result of a May 4 directive from council, were presented to council at the Dec. 20 meeting.

In a report, interim CAO Derek McCaughan explained the Paragon program involves an employee being recognized for exceptional behavior by another employee. That person’s name is entered into a draw for one of three prizes valued at $100. The draws are to happen at two luncheons to be held each year.

“(The program) is a way of (giving) a pat on the back, perhaps a little bit more, for doing a great job,” said Andrew Wharton, an employee and member of the recognition and incentive committee, in a presentation to council.

The program will have a cost of “a few thousand dollars” said McCaughan in his report.

It has already been funded in the 2017 budget.

Employees will also be encouraged to identify potential cost-saving ideas for the Paragon program. The employee will be rewarded 10 per cent of the realized savings, up to $5,000, for their idea, once validated by the finance department.

“We like to hear about things that may improve operations, things that make jobs easier and save time,” said Wharton.

For employees who bring forward ideas where efficiencies are realized but no direct savings, rewards will be given out on a case-by-case basis ranging from $100 to $500.

For “exceptional” ideas, where savings are greater than $50,000, council will be asked to consider the appropriate reward.

Senior staff is ineligible for this program, which will be self-funded through cost savings.

“I like the programs,” said councillor Rob Smith, who initiated the staff direction in May.

“They’re healthy to get people engaged in work and find efficiencies.”

Councillor Matt Sammut, filling in for absent Mayor Allan Alls, praised the programs.

“I’m a huge believer in efficiencies, productivity, creativity, positive culture; all the things this program is trying to bring to the staff,” said Sammut.

Council unanimous;y approved the implementation of both programs (Alls was absent).
