Erin council receives wastewater project updates

ERIN – Council has received updates on the ongoing construction of the town’s wastewater collection and treatment system.

The updates were shared with council on March 13 by director of infrastructure services and town engineer Brian Kavanagh.

Elora cataract trail linear works

This project will see to the replacement of 26 culverts from Trafalgar Road in Hillsburgh to Main Street in Erin.

“We have completion planned for summer of 2026,” said Kavanagh. “This is a date that facilitates the local development as currently planned.”

Kavanagh also noted the final package has been sent to the Credit Valley Conservation authority and a permit to start the project is on its way.

“We look forward to receiving the permit in the next couple of weeks,” said Kavanagh. “We will be ready with that permit in hand to tender this work in March or April of this year.”

Erin village gravity sewer, force mains

This project seeks to install a gravity sewer and twin forcemain on Main Street in Erin from the Elora Cataract Trail to Dianne Road.

“Our micro tunneling work will wrap up in March, in the coming week or two,” said Kavanagh. “The restoration will then follow in spring of this year.”

Kavanagh addressed the issue of sinkholes as a result of the project “in the last few weeks.”

He told council the sinkholes are the result of “drilling slurry or liquid under pressure, that disturbs the adjacent soils causing the sinkholes.” He also stated there were pre existing voids that contributed to the problem. 

The project is expected to interfere with the entrance to Erin Fitness, as there is a pipe fusing operation that must be completed along the front of the business. 

Kavanagh said the town is working with the business to provide an alternate access, signage as well as avoiding the cutting of trees or removal of parking spaces for the duration of the project. 

Dundas Street East gravity sewer

This project will see the installation of gravity sewer along Dundas Street East from 10th Line to Wellington Road 124.

“We will be moving to the construction of a shallow local sewer that will take place in the spring and summer of this year,” said Kavanagh.

Erin village pumping station 

The pumping station currently being constructed at the Lions Club Park in Erin is expected to be completed by fall of this year.

“The temporary conditions will allow … the installation of a temporary pumping solution and we envision that being in place in the next couple of months,” said Kavanagh.

Water resource recovery facility

This facility will treat incoming wastewater from Hillsburgh and Erin, and is scheduled for completion in July of this year.

“Over the course of the past several months we have identified numerous schedule risks and challenges.,” said Kavanagh.

“We are working through each of those risks as they come up … we are sorting through and mitigating just about all of them.”

Kavanagh stressed delays with the cooling system, noting essential components of the system are arriving later than expected. The cooling system is set for completion in the fall. 

Effluent sewer, outfall

The effluent sewer along Wellington Road 52, which discharges effluent to the West Credit River, is now complete. 

After being surveyed, an easement will be placed on the property purchased by the town, which will then be sold.