The Erin Poultry 4-H club members picked up their new chicks at the last meeting.
The members got to pick out four two-day-old cute fuzzy chicks to take home and raise for the summer.
We talked about what to do when we got them home to make sure they drank and ate right away. Each of us had set up our own chick brooder to be ready with a heat light, shavings, waterer and feed dish. There were three different breeds to pick from: New Hampshire (black), Columbian Rock (yellow) and Rhode Island Reds (red in colour). I picked out one Columbian Rock, one New Hampshire and two Rhode Island Reds.
They are so cute! Watch out for an abundance of brown eggs in October when they all start laying.
At the meeting, we also looked at a video on breeds of chickens, what colour of eggs they lay and what the hens and roosters looks like. There were quite a few with afros or looked like fluffy snowballs. We also learned about how to train our chicks to do tricks, which we will be showing off at Erin Fair this year.
Submitted by Josh Brander.