Eramosa 4-H Dairy Club members prep for upcoming shows and fairs

WELLINGTON COUNTY – Members of the 2024 Eramosa 4-H Dairy Club have wrapped up a season of meetings and have moved on to training their calves for upcoming shows.

The club, which has members from around Eramosa and often meets jointly with the West Luther Dairy Club, kicked off in April with a meeting at the Cheesmond family farm where members were introduced and learned what the club is all about.

Members learn about the dairy industry, including everything from animal care, classification and genetics, to dairy quality standards, sustainability, showmanship and more.

In subsequent meetings, the club members met a Holstein Canada classifier, learned about bull genetics and artificial insemination, and had the chance to follow the 4-H motto, “learn to do by doing,” with a clipping day where they practiced using clippers on the cows.

They also had a social media safety presentation, and learned how to show off their dairy calves in front of judges.

Members will now prepare for the slate of upcoming shows, including the Holstein Ontario West-Central Junior Show, the Grand River 4-H Show, Achievement Day at the Fergus Fall Fair, and 4-H Little Royal at the Erin Fall Fair. Some club members hope to make the Wellington County team and compete at the Royal Winter Fair in November.