Equine leadership group releases economic impact report

The Headwaters Equine Leader-ship Group (HELG) has just released a baseline report on the economic impact of the equine sector in the Headwaters region.

HELG is a committee of the  Hills of Headwaters Tourism Association. It is a collaborative initiative with regional stakeholders who are committed to the importance of the equine sector in the Headwaters region, which includes Caledon, Dufferin, the Town of Erin, and King Township.

The group’s main objective is to promote the Headwaters region as a centre of equine excellence in the province of Ontario, and to support, grow and advocate for this sector of the regional economy.

As noted in the HELG report, Headwaters Horse Country is home to over 23,000 horses, over 2,000 horse farms and hundreds of businesses that support these horses and their owners. It is also home to four internationally-recognized event facilities, two of which are hosting equestrian events for the Toronto 2015 Pan American Games.

The report “conservatively” estimates the economic impact of the equine sector in the Headwaters to be a minimum of $100 million annually for ongoing operating costs with a further $300 million spent on property improvements, including barns and arenas and as investment in horses. It is also noted that much of this spending is locally-focussed, further emphasizing the sector’s importance to the local economy.

 This report will be updated annually and is one of numerous initiatives being undertaken by HELG to support the development of the Headwaters region as a centre of equine excellence.

HELG and Headwaters Horse Country are supported by the Ontario Trillium Foundation.

