Equine journalism now at University of Guelph

Equine Guelph, in partnership with the Office of Open Learning, is offering a new online course in Equine Journalism.

The 12-week course, starting Sept. 8 will provide the tools, techniques, and knowledge necessary to develop a career in equine journalism.

Instructor Barbara Sheridan is an award-winning freelance writer and photographer and former associate editor of Horse­Care Magazine. She com­bines a strong set of commu­nications skills with a sharp creativity, and uncanny ability to reach a target audience.

Susan Raymond, communi­cations and program officer at Equine Guelph is the assistant instructor. Raymond oversees the communications program and is heavily involved in the education programs at Equine Guelph.

An experienced online instructor, Raymond co-created and teaches Management of the Equine Environment, part of the Equine Science certificate and diploma in Equine Studies programs.

“Equine writers with a passion for horses have the un­canny ability to bring that passion out in their written work,” said Sheridan. “How­ever, writing for equine pub­lica­tions today is much more than just writing articles, it’s hav­ing the skills and know­ledge to market them to the appropriate audience.”

Manager of program de­velop­ment Melanie Prosser, in the Office of Open Learning, said, “This online course was developed in response to feed­back we received from our two-day workshops. Barb pro­vides so much personal experi­ence and relevant information that it was necessary to develop a more in-depth course. The online format will ensure it is accessible to students across Canada and beyond.”

 For more details, visit www.EquineGuelph.ca, www.EquineBusinessCertificate.com  or email info@open.­uoguelph.ca.


