Elora Community Theatre (ECT) presented the one act play The Triumphant Embarrassment of Willy Last by Lynda Martens on July 27 at Minifest 2013 hosted by Thistle Theatre and Western Ontario Drama League in Embro.
The same play was performed by six different theatre groups.
Actors participating were: Jim Monaghan, Denise Gismondi, Cory Sanders, Corie Kelly, Kim Young and Jayne Simpson. They were directed by first time director, Nancy Reaume of Fergus. Terri Arora stage managed and Sarah Dunbar, Chris Bailey, Ken Harkes, Molly Reaume, Pam Monaghan, Julie Wheeler Bryant and Gary Bryant helped out behind the scenes.
At the award banquet, awards were presented to Nancy Reaume, Jim Monaghan, Cory Sanders, Kimberley Young and to the ECT group generally by Mark Mooney, the adjudicator and drama educator.
The cast and crew presented their play on July 19 at the Elora Centre for the Arts, where ECT rents rehearsal space throughout the year.
Over $100 was collected for the local food bank at the preview presentation.