Elora Salem Horticultural group offers placards to thank local gardeners

One of the ob­jectives of the Elora and Salem Horticultural Society is to encourage the beautification of local public and private gar­dens. 

Every year while out and about, society volunteers ob­serve many examples of cre­ativity and uniqueness in peo­ple’s private gardens and they have wished that they could share that observation with the rest of the community.

To achieve that objective, the society is introducing a new program whereby local garden­ers’ efforts to beautify Elora and Salem can be acknow­ledged. Effective the third week of July, some of the horti­cultural society members will be out and about, identifying "eye catching" local gardens.

The gardens can belong to members or be owned by private citizens. Everyone is eligible.

Gardens will be identified in each of three areas as foll­ows:  south of the river (three gardens),  north of the river (six gardens), and in Salem (three gardens).

Peony placards will be plac­ed in each of the 12 gardens chosen. The placards will re­main in the gardens for a period of three weeks to bring atten­tion to the beautification and to thank that specific gardener for all of the efforts and originality.

A certificate of appreciation will also be presented to the gardeners.  After three weeks, the placards will be collected, to be used again next year.

The society asks that all gardeners watch for the pla­cards  – one may appear in their garden.

