Elora Lions Spring fireworks on May 23 includes more youth involvement

The annual Spring Fireworks and fundraiser organized by the Elora Lions Club will include lots of new activities this year to appeal to, and involve, more of the community on May 23.

With a new start time of 3pm, the Grand River Raceway will have hours of activities for youth, entertainment by local musicians and dance studios, kids activities and crafts, and a fireworks display to finish off the night.

“We wanted to have activities that were more interesting for youth and include them in more of the entertainment,” said Elora Lions member, Stephanie Morrison.

Ramps and Rails for BMX/ Skateboarders

“New for this year, we’ve got some ramps for skateboarders and BMX-ers in the afternoon, and have students from local music schools to provide live entertainment for the evening,” Morrison said.

In addition the Skatepark Association will have the new vision for the park on hand for public viewing, as well as merchandise to help support fundraising for the park (www.givefun.ca).

All those participating in the BMX type activities will need to wear safety equipment.”

The event includes donations and assistance from various groups and individuals in the area. A mobile soundstage has been donated by the Rotary Club of Fergus for the live music that includes students from Shaw Music School, Adrian Jones Music School and Jamschool and these presentations will begin around 7pm.

Local families have donated the ramps for use in the afternoon beginning at 3pm. The Elora Preschool will be bringing many of their outside toys and assisting with the kids tent area starting at 7pm.

The Fergus Elora Academy of Dance and the Blue Bonnet Lassies will be performing on the tarmac around 6:30pm. The Alma Optimists will be there with food and drink at the Grand River Raceway and will be welcoming all of this at their location.

A $2 minimum donation per person is requested to cover the costs of the event with all proceeds going back into the community through Elora Lions projects and sponsorships.

The event runs from 3pm to the end of the fireworks display at about 10pm. All entrants will have wristbands allowing for in/out privileges.

For more information and updates visit the Elora Lions Facebook page.
