ELORA – We are just entering the spring equinox for 2021 and it is time to think about our gardens for this year.
It will be the second spring in a row where restrictions to normal lifestyle makes everyone wonder what physical and creative activity can one pursue in a safe outdoor environment.
Gardening is the perfect answer. It provides an opportunity to beautify living space and, for most gardeners, lifts spirits and emotions.
Last year at this time the lockdowns scared everyone into thinking there would be food shortages. Vegetable seeds and plants sold out within a few weeks.
The community became a beehive of garden restorations and the development of new gardens.
It was the first time since the war years or the great depression that gardens became a focal point in many people’s lives to overcome the feeling of isolation.
So what can we expect this spring and summer?
The news indicates that vaccinations will not be widespread until the fall. This is a frustrating thought, which makes staying home a real possibility for the next few months.
Planning your garden however big or small at this time of year can help to start the process for a summer of fun and as a great stress reliever.
The Elora and Salem Horticulture Society was formed in 1850 and is one of the oldest in the province. It is still a vibrant group, still seeking members and still here to help our community. Membership is open to local residents of all ages.
The society takes care of many community gardens, hosts monthly meetings during the fall and winter with guest speakers and offers an annual plant sale.
A “Great Gardens” competition is being planned for this year in which judges select 12 of the best visually attractive front gardens in Elora and Salem. It’s time to start planning garden now, to be ready to get outside as the warmer weather arrives.
For further information contact the Elora and Salem Horticulture Society at elorasalemhort@gmail.com or find the organization on Facebook.