Brian Mac Namara has announced he will be a candidate for mayor in the Grand Valley East Luther Township elections this fall.
His family farmed since 1847 in the Greater Toronto Area and he was raised in Vaughan Township.
He practiced forestry for 40 years in Canada, the United Kingdom, and Southern Ireland for government and private companies.
He and his wife and daughters operate a beef cow and calf operation near Colbeck. They are active in the Grand Valley Agricultural Society and daughters Lauren and Marin have been senior fall fair ambassadors.
“East Luther Grand Valley needs new and high quality places of employment if we are to fulfill the residential requirements the province has mandated,” he said. “This must be priority from day one of the new council. To sit back and complain without being willing to expend the effort and the time necessary to make our municipality and the county a better place to live and work is a waste.
Mac Namara plans to complete an extensive campaign platform after meeting with residents this summer.