Economic development officer takes on additional role

Not only is Dale Small Wellington North’s Economic Develop­ment Officer, he has now taken on a new role as a northern board member for the Wat­erloo-Wellington Local Health Integration Network (WWLHIN).

Kathy Durst, WWLHIN board chairman, welcomed Small as the newly appointed member.

He is a resident of Mount Forest and was recommended by the WWLHIN’s nominating committee.

The appointment was made via an Order in Council from the Lieutenant Governor.

Small said in an email, “I’m sure you all receive the News releases from the WWLHIN, however I wanted to make sure you were aware that at the recent board meeting in Cambridge it was announced that I have been appointed to the Board of Directors for the Waterloo Wellington LHIN.”

The appointment is for a three year period.

“I’m really looking forward to this opportunity to work with the other members of the board, as well as the WWLHIN and the many service providers in ensuring our Health Care system is sustainable and readily available for all our residents in Waterloo Wellington,” he said.

“Health Care is tremendously important to all of us and I decided that rather then sitting back and letting things happen I might as well jump in, get involved and see if I can help influence the direction and make a positive contribution. I guess time will tell how successful this works out.”

