ECFTA kicking off fundraiser to expand facility, make accessible

ELORA – The Elora Centre for the Arts (ECFTA) is  hosting a community barbecue on Sept. 5 to kick off its fundraising campaign for a new expansion to the historic building.

The expansion—a 3,500-square-foot addition to the arts centre’s current building – will create a multi-use space for community gatherings and performances, be fully accessible, and further strengthen Centre Wellington’s vibrant arts and tourism community.

More than 75 per cent of the $4.5 million needed has already been raised.

Now the centre is seeking the community’s support to get to the finish line, organizer’s state.

The public fundraising campaign, The Art of Possibility, will kick off at the community barbeque on Sept. 5.

The Art of Possibility campaign will support the construction of a 3,500-square-foot addition to the art centre’s existing building that will feature:

– a multi-use space for community gatherings, performances, exhibitions and other events;

– fully accessible spaces, including universal washroom facilities; and

– a new servery-style kitchen and other hospitality infrastructure.

The Elora Centre for the Arts is located in an 1856 heritage schoolhouse. 

While the building is beautiful and part of the community’s rich history, it can’t accommodate large gatherings or people with mobility constraints, and lacks clear wayfinding for visitors.

“The need for this addition is huge,” said executive director Lianne Carter. 

“We’re an arts and cultural hub for this community and beyond, and right now, we’re bursting at the seams. In fact, we currently have to turn away more than half of the requests to use our space because our building isn’t accessible or because we’re already fully booked.

“This addition will give even more members of our community the opportunity to participate in our programs and events, and ensure that the arts centre is a place where everyone feels like they belong.”

Shovels will be going in the ground this fall, with construction scheduled to be complete next summer.

“There’s a great saying that ‘Earth’ without ‘art’ is just ‘eh,’ and I couldn’t agree more,” said Sheila Koop, chair of The Art of Possibility capital campaign.

“The creativity and vibrancy that the arts bring to this community are a big part of what makes it so special.

Images by SRM Architects

“With this expansion, we have the opportunity to further enhance the lives of the people who live, work and play here, and to continue the legacy of an arts centre by and for this community for generations to come.”

ECTFA would like to acknowledge the many funders and donors for their generous support of this project to date — in particular, the leadership gifts from the Government of Canada, the Ontario Trillium Foundation, the Township of Centre Wellington and the Dalglish Family Foundation.

“We’re so grateful to all of our funders, donors and others who have helped get us to this point, including many generous individuals and businesses,” said Koop. 

“Now, we’re asking for the support of this amazing community to get us over the finish line.”

The Art of Possibility Community Kick-Off BBQ takes place on Sept. 5  from 6 to 9pm, at 75 Melville St. Elora, and everyone is invited to join the fun! 

Enjoy a BBQ chicken dinner with all the fixings and a free concert by Harry Lee Follon, and find out more about the expansion and the Art of Possibility campaign. 

Pre-order your BBQ dinner now at

To learn more about The Art of Possibility campaign or to donate, visit

About the Elora Centre for the Arts

The Elora Centre for the Arts, founded in 2002, is a not-for-profit charitable organization dedicated to igniting creativity, fostering connection and building community through the arts.

Whether it’s the making of art or appreciating the work of others, we believe that creativity is for everyone, and that participation in the arts is integral to the well-being of our communities, officials state.

As an arts and culture hub for Wellington County, ECFTA attracts more than 20,000 visitors annually, offering exhibitions, performances, community events, summer camps, office and studio space for local artists and arts groups, and a range of programs and services for all ages.

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