EastGen named 2016 Employer of Distinction

The Guelph and District Human Resource Professional Association (HRPA) recognized EastGen as 2016 Employer of Distinction in the under 200 employee category at a ceremony held at the Delta Hotel in Guelph on June 16.

This award recognizes EastGen for its commitment to employees through human resources policies and practices. 

This program is designed to acknowledge local companies for being outstanding employers who shape organizational excellence through strong HR practices that drive their organizations’ success.

Winners were selected through a four-step process involving initial nomination, information collection/delivery, on-site interviews of staff, then a selection of winners. 

EastGen was praised for its innovation and creativity, humble and progressive environment, sense of family/community within the team and organization, and staff who are proud of their company. 

The HRPA community relations committee presenting this award recognized EastGen for being proactive in developing systems to encourage high performance with a large focus on employee empowerment.

In accepting the award, EastGen’s human resources manager Diane Green said, “It is an honour to receive this award of distinction which is only possible through the accomplishments of all of our staff across the organization who challenge themselves daily to constantly advance the dairy industry. 

“EastGen’s staff recently developed our new tagline ‘Invested in your future.’ We are invested in our employee’s future, we are invested in our customer’s future, and when we demonstrate this daily, that investment continues to grow.”
