Early start on bridge work

The Wellington County roads division has issued an update for the construction schedule for the Main Street bridge project here.

County construction manager Mark Eby reported on June 7 the contractors working on the Main Street Bridge rehabilitation and Main Street West, King Street, Queen Street, Wortley Street and Market Street reconstruction will be starting in advance of the full road closure to complete work that can be completed while under a partial road closure.

 The bridge contractor will be commencing work on June 13 and will be working from 9 am to 3pm under a lane closure controlled by flagmen.

The contractor will be starting with the installation of its working and debris platform that will be installed under the bridge. Completing this work in advance of the full road closure will allow the contractor to commence work on the bridge on July 4 and provide as many working days as possible before the road must be reopened on Oct. 7, Eby states in an email.

 The contractor completing the road reconstruction will be commencing work on June 20. They will be working in the boulevard areas behind the curb. This work will be completed under a lane closure controlled by flagmen.
