Eagles tribute part of 175th anniversary celebration in Fergus

Eagles fan will want to mark May 9 on their calendar.

That is when Charity Plus Promotions is presenting New Kid in Town, a tribute to the classic California rock band The Eagles, at the Fergus Grand Theatre.

Charity Plus was hired as a fundraiser for the Fergus 175 cele­brations, and some pro­ceeds from concert ticket sales and corporate sponsorships are going to the Fergus 175 com­mittee to help with five days of activities at the end of June.

Companies that purchase corporate sponsorships can ex­pect to have their names on a concert banner that will be dis­played during the Homecoming Weekend, running June 27 to July 1.

New Kid in Town’s five veteran musicians bring an infectious enthusiasm to each performance, which includes Eagles’ hits and selections from solo careers of band members Don Henley, Glenn Frey, and Joe Walsh.

The band delivers excel­lence in sound quality, per­sonnel and equipment. Eagles fans continue to be gratified by an engaging group who pay tribute to one of the greatest bands of all time.

This year marks the 175th anniversary of the founding of Fergus by Adam Fergusson and James Webster in 1833, and a committee of volunteers is working to develop and plan a variety of special events during the year to commemorate the anniversary.

Central to the celebration is a Homecoming Weekend, plan­ned for five days culminating in the traditional Fergus Can­ada Day celebrations the even­ing of July 1.

Fergus 175 wants everyone to come home to Fergus from June 27 to July 1, and asks that everyone tell neighbours, friends and family, as well as tell former residents who have moved away.

The Fergus Summer Sensa­tions Art Walk and Doors Open Fergus, both on June 28, are signature events during the Homecoming Weekend. Doz­ens of artists and artisans will turn Fergus’s historic down­town into a free, open-air art gallery, while about 15 heritage buildings will throw open their doors to the public for Heritage Ontario’s free tour.

An afternoon and evening of music on June 29, a local business lunch featuring Cana­dian Chamber of Commerce president (and former resident) Perrin Beatty on June 27, a dinner and dance, pet fashion show, Canada Day fireworks and more are also being planned for the weekend.

Tickets for New Kid in Town are $26.50 and available now at Scotiabank, 201 St. A­n­drew Street East. Some tickets may be available at the door, through the Fergus Grand Theatre box office.


