E-waste diversion project lauded

Councillors here will be forwarding information on the Ministry of Environ­ment’s latest project to Well­ington County’s solid waste services department.

Last week, councillors here received the information of the Ministry of Environment and Energy Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Plan (WEEE).

The project sets environmental performance targets for collection, reuse, and recycling.

Correspondence received by council indicates that “On­tario households and businesses throw out about 90,000 tonnes of old computers, printers, and televisions each year. Estimates suggested that in five years, that amount will grow to 123,000 tonnes, which represents about 4-million desktop computers, 1.5-million port­able computers, 1.2-million monitors, 2.2-million TVs, and 1.5-million printers.”

Phase one of the project addresses desktop and portable computers, peripherals, monitors, fax machines, and televisions.

The second phase would include phones, cameras, and audiovisual equipment.

Councillor Barb Burrows wondered if Wellington County is taking part in this disposal plan.

“The City of Guelph has had a phenomenal success with it,” Burrows said.

Clerk Barb Wilson said she would be happy to forward the information to the county in case the information “had slip­ped through the cracks.”

