Duplicate street names frowned upon

It’s not just about local street names any more.

As Puslinch council was reviewing revised conditions of approval for the Fox Run development located at Part Lot 19, Concession 8, councillor Ken Roth had questions about an item on street naming in the housing development.

It stated the streets shall be named to the satisfaction of the township and the County of Wellington “and that such street names shall not be a duplicate in wording or phonetic sounding of any street names in the County of Wellington.”

Roth asked if the limitation should have just referred to within Puslinch.

“No,” responded clerk Brenda Law.

Roth asked, “So you can’t have two street names within the county that are the same?”

Law explained, “They are trying to get away from that.”

She said that with the 911 emergency response “one could respond to a Mill Street – and there is probably a Mill Street in every town.”

The policy affects all new streets in Wellington County.

