Drug committee starting new program

The Wellington-Guelph drug strategy committee and its partners will  launch a new Strengthening Families for the Future (SFF) program.

The evidence-based program involves entire families with children aged 7 to 11. The program aims to:

– increase children and youth resilience and life skills;

– increase positive and effective parenting; and

– increase a family’s communication.

A new SFF series will begin at Melville United Church on March 19. It runs once a week for 14 weeks, and takes place Mondays from 4:30 to 7:30pm.

It begins with a free meal, followed by educational and fun activities. Free child care is provided on-site, and assistance with transportation can also be arranged.

People are urged to register by March 5 at an information session at the church.

To register, contact Amy Larson at 519-821-6638 extension 402 or email alarson@guelphchc.ca.
