Donna Bryce named county clerk

County councillors were introduced to their new clerk at the council meeting here on April 29.

Donna Bryce brings a wealth of government experi­ence to the post. She worked in the Ontario legislature as a committee clerk, primarily in the policy field with commit­tees holding public hearings across the province, and by conducting clause by clause re­view of legislation.

That included work in jus­tice, resources development, general government and social development. Her experience includes working with the select committee on Ontario Hydro Nuclear Affairs, the speaker’s pension plan advisory committee, and the hiring com­mittee for the Ontario Om­buds­man. She is no stran­ger to municipal government, either.

Before working for the leg­is­lature, Bryce was a legislative assistant to committees for the Region of Peel, and was later promoted to Supervisor of Legislative Services, respon­si­ble for procedural and admini­strative support to regional council and its committees.

She studied political science at MacMaster University in Hamilton, and also did intern’s work with Hamilton and Dundas during those years.

Bryce was also involved with the Ontario Legislature In­tern­ship Program, and provided support and guidance to the eight interns hired each year. She has accompanied those interns on study visits to the British House of Commons and House of Lords, and the newly elected Scottish Parlia­ment.

She also spent several years in the United States when her husband was working there.

Currently, she lives in London and is commuting to Guelph.

“The drive’s not bad – now” she said with a laugh. She said for now she has no plans to move.

Bryce said she had been at the county for a week, and “The staff are great.”

She said she was still look­ing forward to meeting a num­ber of people, including several county councillors.

Warden Joanne Ross-Zuj introduced Bryce at the council meeting. She said in an interview she is very impressed with Bryce’s credentials and she looks forward to working with her.

