Digital speed radar signs

Not enough

I am so glad that three government bodies could work together long enough to install $15,000 speed activated signs near Brisbane Public School in Erin.

These signs will do much in the way of deterring speed in the school area.

But there is more to be done.

One Erin councillor is asking for the 60km/h zone on Wellington Road 124 to be decreased to a 40km/h school zone, which would allow higher fines for speeders.

However, the county is saying the school is considered rural, and the current condition meets all of the safety guidelines.

Brisbane isn’t the only school in this situation. Many Mennonite rural schools are in 80km/h zones, and Ponsonby Public School is in a 60km/h zone on Wellington Road 7.

Maybe the county should re-evaluate the status of all schools on county roads to put them into school zones.

Safety of children should be a top priority for the school board, the county and the town.

What dollar impact will we bear for changing it to a 40km/h school zone? Whatever it is, it is a small price to pay to prevent injury or the death of a child at a school that is becoming busier as the surrounding area is built up and more commuters use that major artery.

All three government bodies will have to work together again to put technicalities aside and think about the safety of the community.

– Olivia


Making drivers aware 

In an effort to slow traffic on Wellington Road 124 at Brisbane Public School the Town of Erin, the Upper Grand District School Board and Wellington County have agreed to partner in the installation of two digital speed activated signs.


You know, those flashing monstrosities that broadcast to the world just what speed you’re going? Yep, two of those.

While it could be argued that more needs to be done – a speed reduction, a school zone, etc. – in reality Wellington 124 is a major thoroughfare and drivers deserve to be considered as well.

Yes, with children crossing caution is necessary but moving the speed limit to the standard 40km/h in a school zone could very well lead to more angry drivers than cautious drivers.

By putting up the digital speed activated signs drivers can check themselves.

I don’t know about you but every time I drive up to one of those flashing signs I immediately check to make sure my speed is close to the posted limit.

The guilt in possibly having my speeding broadcast to everyone in the general vicinity is real enough that I become very aware of how fast I should be going and then adjust.

It sounds like that’s the exact goal of the Brisbane Public School signs – to make drivers aware of their speed and adjust accordingly.

– Jaime

Olivia Rutt and Jaime Myslik
