Dialysis clinic construction is on target

Con­struc­tion for the new dialysis clinic at Palmerston and Dis­trict Hospital (PDH) is well underway and on target for completion in June.

Bob Zehr, project manager for Nith Valley Construction, is pleased with the progress on the new clinic.

“At this point we are on tar­get for the June completion date and look forward to hand­ing over the finished clinic.”

To create space for the dialysis clinic, renovations were required to relocate or mod­ify several existing hos­pital services. Those included the laboratory, physiotherapy, speech language pathology, audi­ology, stores and pur­chas­ing, maintenance, staff lounge and locker space, and laundry facilities. The renovations are complete.

The total cost of the project is $2.9-million with the ma­jority of the funding coming from the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care.

The Palmerston District Hospital Foundation has contributed $500,000 towards the project.

North Wellington Health Care is very appreciative of the support and president and chief executive officer Jerome Quenneville stated, “This sig­ni­ficant financial support from the community reflects the im­portance of this project. Our foundation is to be con­gratu­lated for their hard work.”

Board chairman Patti-Jo McLelland-Shaw said this is “an example of a small rural hospital that plays … a key role in the delivery of health care in Ontario.”


