Damascus WI visits garden centre

On Oct. 8, 12 mem­bers of the group travelled to Pal­merston to the King’s restaurant for the monthly meeting arranged by the horticulture con­venor Mary Slater. 

President Miriam Green welcomed everyone and pre­sided for a short business meeting.  Several members will be attending the Wellington North District Women’s Insti­tute fall rally Oct. 27 in Drayton.  Discussion on the fate of the Damascus Women’s Institute will continue next month.

After lunch the women travelled to Listowel Landscap­ing where it was met by co-owner Rosemary Galloway, who answered a variety of ques­tions on the care of, dos and don’ts for perennials, trees and shrubs.  Due to it raining the walk through the array of fall flowers, perennials, trees and shrubs was cancelled. 

Slater thanked Galloway for sharing with us her knowledge of garden care.

The next meeting of the Damascus WI is Nov.12, at the Damascus community hall at 1pm with guest speaker Lois Zettler, of Caressant Care, Arthur.

An invitation is extended to anyone interested in retirement home accommodation.

