The Centre Wellington Fusion pee wee “AA” team continued its strong play with three more wins and a tie.
The boys tied Halton Hills 3-3. They then went on to beat Ancaster 4-0, Niagara Falls 6-1 and Garden City 2-0.
Points went to (goals, assists): Jakson Kirk (3,1), Jack McDonald (4 assists), Caleb Willmets (3 goals), Troy Hall (2,1), Max Hattle (2,1), Jake Ristov (3 assists), Zac Tofflemire (1,1), Zachary Burt (1,1), Caleb Cribbin (2 assists), Logan Rayner (1,1), Trent Collins (1,1), Zac Hatch (1,1), Darren Eby and Ben Witmer (1 assist each).