CW Fusion Pee Wee first in series

The Centre Wellington Fusion Pee Wee ‘AA’ team finished first in the Ontario Minor Hockey Association (OMHA) round robin series held Jan. 26 to Feb. 1 and will move on to the quarter finals.

The boys won 3-0 win against Halton Hills. They played a tough game against Flamborough but lost 2-1.

They then beat Orangeville 5-2 and Niagara Falls 5-0.

Christian Linton earned both shut outs for the Fusion.

Points (goals, assists) over the games went to: Caleb Willmets (4, 4); Jakson Kirk (4, 3); Caleb Cribbin (1, 3); Darren Eby (three assists); Levi Humber (three assists); Jake Ristov (two goals); Jack McDonald (1, 1); Zac Hatch (two assists); Max Hattle (1, 1); Zachary Burt (one assist); Christian Linton (one assist); Trent Collins (one goal); Zac Tofflemire (one assist); and Logan Rayner (one assist).

