Crime Stoppers Awareness Month

Each year Crime Stoppers programs around the world celebrate Crime Stoppers Month in January to highlight successes and promote their crime fight­ing initiatives.


Last year was another suc­cessful year for Crime Stoppers of Wellington County as it assisted police and other gov­ernment agencies in seizing over $26.2-million in illicit drugs and stolen property since its inception in 1988.

Crime Stoppers Interna­tional, the umbrella organi­za­tion for Crime Stoppers pro­grams throughout the world, has established itself as a rep­utable force in the battle against international crime.

As a non-governmental or­gani­zation, the international group is lending its expertise to the United Nations office on drugs and crime and has partnered with the it to combat hu­man smuggling and terrorism.

Gary Murphy, the president of Crime Stoppers Interna­tional, is pleased with the ex­pansion of more than 1,200 programs in 24 countries world wide. Cumu­lative totals of the 1,200 programs have resulted in the seizure of drugs and re­covery of stolen property total­ing in excess of $9-billion.

Crime Stoppers is a civilian community organization devis­ed to acquire information that assists law enforcement agen­cies in solving crime.

It pays cash rewards up to $2,000 for information lead­ing to the arrest of criminals, recovery of stolen property, or seizure of illegal drugs while maintaining total anonymity to the caller.

The Crime Stoppers pro­gram is made up of three elements – the com­mu­nity, the media, and law en­forcement.  

The community is involved through its local volunteer board of directors and through those community members who provide tip information and funds for the maintenance of the program.  

The media publicize case re-enactments or details about a case not yet solved or a person wanted on a warrant.  

Law enforcement receives the anonymous tip information from the office staff and fol­low the information through to its conclusion.

The program in Wellington County was formed in May of 1988.

It is a fully functioning, registered, non-profit chari­table corporation.

It receives no government funding to pay callers for their information. Money to pay callers is raised through donations and fund-raising activities held by the board of directors.  The board is comprised of a group of volunteer, dedicated and con­cerned citizen’s in the commu­nity.  

To become a board member or assist in volunteering at an event, call 519-846-5371.

Crime Stoppers of Well­ington County statis­tics since its inception 1988:

– number of calls 12,199;

– rewards approved, $114,520;            

– cases cleared 2,022;                   

– Arrests, 1,231;                   

– property recovered             $9,712,358;           

– narcotics recovered            $16,542,432; and      

– total amount recovered      $26,254,790.
