Grinder Productions, in collaboration with local playwright Vince Masson, is presenting Crime and Passion, an anthology of five one-act plays on March 26 at 2 and 8pm at the Ennotville library.
The first half of the show features three plays written by Mason, all of which delve into the criminal underworld, with everything from theft, to murder, to crooked cops. There’s even the frozen bank account of an African millionaire thrown in for good measure. All three plays show what happens when more-or-less good people wind up doing bad things.
The second half of the show is made up of two plays about love and lust, written by Grinder creative and executive director Eric Goudie. The first is a re-telling of The Reeve’s Tale, a bawdy story of medieval England by Geoffrey Chaucer, while the second is The Heart of Eden, an original musical romantic comedy.
Putting it all together is a small ensemble of actors drawn from several communities in Wellington County and beyond. The cast of five men and two women bring a wide range of experience to the production, from formal training to extensive backgrounds in community theatre to some who are appearing in a play for the very first time.
Tickets are $15 each, and are available from any cast member or by calling 519-780-7593. Seating is limited. Some of the plays contain coarse language, stage violence, and mildly suggestive humour.