WELLINGTON COUNTY – Confirmed COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations are down in the Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Public Health (WDGPH) region this week.
As of Sept. 28, there are 171 confirmed active cases in the region, down 17% from 205 on Sept. 21.
In Wellington County, there are 43 known active cases, down 37% from 68 a week ago.
In Dufferin County there are 20 active cases (down from 27 on Sept. 21) and in Guelph there are 107 (up slightly from 103).
Many health officials have previously suggested actual case numbers are five times the reported figures.

WDGPH COVID-19 case data as of Sept. 28, 2022.
As of Sept. 22, there were nine people hospitalized across the region who tested positive for COVID-19, down from 12 four days earlier and a significant drop from 20 on Sept. 14.
Just one COVID-positive individual was admitted to an ICU (steady since Sept. 14).
As of Sept. 21, 56.6% of residents aged 12 and older across the health region have received at least three vaccine doses, 84.3% of those aged six months and older have received two doses, and 87.1% have received a single dose.
At the county level, 56.9% of Wellington residents aged 12 and older have received at least three vaccine doses, 82.6% of those six months and older have had two doses, and 85.1% have received a single dose.
As of Sept. 28, a total of 180 deaths across the WDGPH region have been attributed to COVID-19 (up from 175 a week ago), including 58 in Wellington County (up from 57).
WDGPH spokesperson Chuck Ferguson explained the new county death listed on the public health dashboard (a man over 80 years old who died in April) as well as two Guelph deaths (actually from 2021) were part of a “data cleanup” on the website.
Only two of the newly-reported deaths, one each from Guelph and Dufferin, actually occurred over the last week, said Ferguson.
Facility outbreak
As of Sept. 27, there is one active COVID-19 outbreak at the Elliott Community retirement home in Guelph, declared Sept. 18.