Countys credit rating gets a boost

The Standard and Poor’s credit rat­ing agency announced last week that the County of Well­ington’s rating has been raised to AA from AA-, with a stable outlook.


The rating is based on a strong operating performance and liquidity, low debt burden, and good econo­mic prospects.

“This is fantastic News for county taxpayers,” said War­den Joanne Ross-Zuj. “A strong credit rating allows the county to borrow money at compe­titive interest rates if required, and pass on the lower costs to our taxpayers.”

Well­ington County currently has the highest rating of any rated county in Ontario and also shares the AA credit rating with such municipalities as Van­couver, Winnipeg, Toronto, and Ham­ilton.

Chris White, chairman of the county’s administration, finance and personnel commit­tee, is also pleased with the up­grade.

“The county’s operating performance has remained very strong,” said White. “This up­graded credit rating will result in a lower cost of borrowing to help finance future capital pro­jects for the county and its member municipalities.”

The county is currently in the process of securing long term financing for its own pur­poses, as well as for the Town of Minto and the Townships of Guelph-Eramosa and Well­­ing­ton North.


