County planted another 2,500 trees at fifth Wardens Planting Day

About 100 Wellington County of Centre Wellington Township councillors, employees and their families participated in the fifth annual Warden’s Tree Planting Day on May 3. The 2,500 trees were strate­gically planted along Highway 6 in Fergus, as part of the county’s Green Legacy pro­gram.


“I want to thank everyone who helped plant trees today,” said Warden Joanne Ross-Zuj. “The Green Legacy program improves and enhances Well­ington’s rural and urban forest coverage. Local partnerships strengthen the connection be­tween the community and the environment.”

Chairman of the county planning committee Walter Trachsel said, “It’s amazing to see so many county and town­ship volunteers participating in this annual event. Going green is more than a catch phrase. This new planting is an excellent example of the county and its residents taking environmental action.”

This spring, the county will plant 156,000 trees.

On Oct. 3, the one millionth tree will be planted at the Wellington County Museum, where the first Green Legacy tree was planted in 2004. The program is the largest municipal tree planting program in North Am­erica.


