The County of Wellington will pick up a $2,500 tab for a county councillor’s trip to China.
At a special council meeting Aug. 14, councillors voted in support of a motion to reimburse Erin Mayor and county councillor Lou Maieron’s expenses.
Councillors Joanne Ross-Zuj, Lynda White and Bruce Whale voted against reimbursing Maieron in a 9-3 vote. Councillors Mark MacKenzie, John Green and Gordon Tosh were absent from the meeting and Maieron did not vote after declaring a conflict.
“I’m a little embarrassed by this request,” Coun Ross-Zuj said. “I was asked months back whether I knew about this trip to China and who was going to pay for it. “
Ross-Zuj said she thought any expenses incurred by Maieron for the trade mission he went on representing Erin would be paid for by his own municipality. “I thought it was a local decision.”
“I’m disappointed we did not have this conversation before councillor Maieron went on this junket to China,” councillor White said. “I’m disappointed councillor Maieron didn’t contact members of council. I think we have to keep decorum here that these types of things have to be brought to council before we accept them.”
White also noted she was embarrassed by Newspaper reports of a possible reimbursement for some of the expenses incurred by Maieron.
The reimbursement covers the flight cost and some credit card charges.
Warden Chris White said he had discussions with Maieron before he left for China and thought the county might consider reimbursing part of the expenses.
“He did ask me how I felt and I said it looked serviceable off the top,” the warden said. “If he had come to council before it wouldn’t have been a problem.”
The warden said Maieron seldom attends conferences that councillors are reimbursed for. He was told by the councillor that he couldn’t release information about the trip prior to leaving because of a confidentiality. It was not clear whether the confidentiality was a requirement of the Canadian Chinese Investment Association which sponsored the trip or whether Maieron didn’t want it public that he would be away from his property during the 10-day tour.
“On the surface there could be benefits for the county,” the warden added, of the county promotional package taken on the junket by Maieron.
Councillor Shawn Watters said he was also “disappointed” about reading about the trip in a Newspaper.
“I felt if it was brought before council I would have supported it,” Watters said in his support of the motion.
Councillor George Bridge also supported the request, saying any potential opening of talks with Chinese officials could assist the county. Councillor Ray Tout agreed.
Councillor Dan MacKay suggested Maieron prepare a report on his trip for county council. It’s expected a report will be made to council later this year and to the economic development committee.
Councillor Whale questioned whether the reimbursement is considered part of the county’s conference reimbursement policy.
“If there’s a protocol and we’re stepping outside we’re backing ourselves into a corner,” Whale said.
Duriing the meeting, councillors discussed the need for further consideration of the county policy on conferences, including clarifficaiton of whether or not it includes trade missions.
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