County appoints Benham to invasive plants council

It might have been the natural thing to do.

County council last month appointed one of its weed inspectors to the Ontario Invasive Plant Council.

The appointment came at the recommendation of the county planning committee.

Planning director Gary Cousins told the committee that Benham, the county weed commissioner and tree bylaw officer, has been a member of the council OIPC for five years, but his appointment was expiring.

Rachel Gagnon, the coordinator of the OIPC, told the committee in a letter that Benham as served as a representative of the county and the Ontario Soil and Crop Improvement Association and has been vital to board meetings and discussion, helping to guide the decisions and directions of the council.”

The OIPC was founded in 2007 to coordinate and aid an effective response to the threat of invasive plants by providing leadership, expertise and a forum to educate, motivate, and empower organizers and citizens. It holds monthly meetings by teleconference and also an annual general meeting with an invasive plant symposium.

Cousins said in his report that Benham was willing to continue in that work.

Council made the appointment.
