Council will consider rezoning to facilitate feed mill expansion

Council will consider a rezoning amendment to facilitate the expansion of a feed mill in Wallenstein at an upcoming meeting.

A public meeting was held Jan. 9 on a proposal to rezone a 2.75 hectare parcel of land on Yatton Sideroad from Future Development to Rural Industrial. Wallenstein Feed and Supply has purchased the land from Henry and Louisa Brubacher and plans to expand onto the site.

The adjacent land that purchased parcel will merge is are zoned site specific Rural Industrial which permits the current feed mill operation and associated transport and employee parking uses and the Wellington County planning department is recommending the same zoning for the new parcel.

“Staff are pleased to see this proposal moving forward and have no concerns with the amendment as requested. The application maintains the general intent and purpose of the Official Plan and zoning bylaw, and would be desirable and appropriate for the development of the subject property,” states a report from Wellington County manager of planning and environment Linda Redmond.

Redmond pointed a second of the out the subject land is designated as Core Greenland in the Official Plan, although it has not been zoned as Natural Heritage. She recommended the natural heritage zoning be applied to match the Official Plan designation. The designation prohibits construction on that portion of the property.

Council directed a zoning amendment be prepared for consideration.

