Council still opposes wind farms by approves exemptions

Following an incamera session of Centre Wellington Council on Aug. 12, Mayor Joanne Ross-Zuj said she wanted to make it clear that Centre Wellington remains an unwilling host to wind farm projects.

Councillor Kelly Linton declared a conflict of interest and stepped aside from the discussion.

Ross-Zuj prefaced discussion with the statement “this resolution is not to be construed as contravening previous resolutions in open council with regard to wind turbines.”

She explained that in open sessions  council has been very clear on two resolutions which council took very seriously.

One was in regard to health issues and the other being that Centre Wellington was not a willing host for turbines.

However four applications have been approved [by the province] and are moving forward, she said.

“At this time, with these four applications moving forward, it is important that we as a council, protect our community with the proper resolutions to address the road use agreement.”

She noted that council had gone into closed session under the advice of its solicitor.

The resolution authorizes the mayor and clerk to execute a road use agreement between the township and wpd Springwood Wind Inc. and that the application for exemption under the township noise bylaw be approved, subject to conditions set out in the report.

Ross-Zuj stressed the report is a public document which is available for review.

Councillor Walt Visser said that both he and councillor Steven VanLeeuwen are very much affected by the motion.

“In no way does approval of this affect our position on wind turbines.”

He believed council should make it clear that council is approving this particular resolution to protect the residents of Centre Wellington.

“But in no way is this an easing of a hostile environment to locate wind turbines.”

The resolution carried.

